“Enjoy art more! –Watching and Experiencing– “
gallery Fu is an art space that try to make new possibilities of mainly contemporary art without insisting on specific genre.
Many of the works of contemporary art that are not bound by conventional concepts reflect the conditions and issues of contemporary society. Therefore, those require a deeper understanding of the work, not only art itself, but also many other things. For this reason, it is often said that contemporary art is somewhat difficult to understand.
However, we wanted to be a gallery where visitors can enjoy art without being biased by existing concepts. We wanted people to appreciate the artworks with an open-mind and to communicate with the artists in a relaxed atmosphere, so we added a small cafe overlooking the gallery.
We also hold art workshops and seminars for answering various questions about art in order for people to “experience” art rather than just look at it.
If you look at art from a variety of angles, you may encounter a moment you are moved greatly by the art. We hope gallery will be a place where people can experience the diversity of values that is one of the charms of art.
Tel | 070-6429-8597 |
Address | 1-31-9, Ishikawa-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City |
Open | Tue.-Sat. 12:00 pm -7:00 pm Sun 12:00 pm -17:00 pm Monday is closed |
URL | https://galleryfu.com |